
Welcome to Cynthia C. Mintz!  After blogging at DelectablyChic! for almost seven years, I’ve decided to shut that site down (okay, I didn’t REALLY shut it down – it’s still an operating site.  I’m just not updating) and build a new site using my own name as its URL.  For me, it’s just about “growing up” and moving on.  DelectablyChic! was mostly about fashion, dining and “fun” stuff and I’m interested in MORE than that.  With all that’s going on in the world, it made no sense for me to constantly post “Webitor’s Thoughts” articles if my site was called “DelectablyChic!” If I blog under my own name, I can write about anything I want, and it would STILL “make sense.”

So about me:  I was born and raised in Toronto and have lived here pretty much my entire life (other than one year in Bermuda when I was in Grade 7 and four years in Kingston, Ontario for my undergrad at Queen’s).  I’d say that I had a typical 80s-90s suburban upbringing…or as “typical” as a child of immigrant parents from Hong Kong can be.  My parents were fairly well integrated, so my childhood was spared from some of the experiences kids in my situation faced (e.g. “gross” lunches or parents who didn’t understand English enough to “get” North American life).  However, having a non-English speaking grandmother living with us meant that there were STILL some issues (see my post about fitness on DelectablyChic!).

What you’d see here:  As I said, pretty much EVERYTHING!  There will probably still be posts on dining, fashion and beauty, as well as comments on current events and as well as diversity/me being a child of immigrants.  And family.  My family, families in general.  Relationships between people in families, etc…