Cynthia Talks Life: Nordstrom Shuts in Canada & Vocal Identities

The latest episode! What store(s) do YOU think should replace Nordstrom’s spots? Simon’s? Pray for the (very unlikely) comeback of Eaton’s? A grocery chain like Farm Boy? Let me know! And also, what DO I sound like? Do you think… Continue Reading

On Her Spin of Prosperity Dinner & More Kid Food Rants

New episode live now!! Yes, we made our big, triumphant return, and with Jr. Mintz in tow as well! We had an amazing time! He sat through a full three course meal as well. It was a great opportunity to… Continue Reading

Cynthia Talks Life Short: Frustration with Kids’ Menus

I might be calling this a Cynthia Talks Life Short, but I’m actually experimenting with a new format of more frequent, but shorter episodes! This episode is about kids’ menus. Why haven’t they changed in the past three or four… Continue Reading

Goodbye 2022, Hello 2023 and Normalcy

a woman writing numbers on sand with her hand

Well, we’re heading to 2023. This year has been a good one, with things getting back to normal. Still, though, I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve dined indoors. Something along the lines of five, and… Continue Reading

I Recorded a Song!!

A few months ago, I was introduced to the Lullaby Project via the University Health Network’s (UHN) Krembil Brain Institute. The purpose of the Lullaby Project’s collaboration with Krembil is to offer mothers living with epilepsy the ability to create… Continue Reading

Season 2, Episode 6: My Love-Hate Relationship with Social Media

Again, apologies for the delay in posting. This episode went live on June 14! Anyway, social media can be extremely toxic, yet, at the same time, extremely helpful with connecting to other people and finding other like-minded people. Lately, it’s… Continue Reading