I Recorded a Song!!

A few months ago, I was introduced to the Lullaby Project via the University Health Network’s (UHN) Krembil Brain Institute. The purpose of the Lullaby Project’s collaboration with Krembil is to offer mothers living with epilepsy the ability to create… Continue Reading

Fertility and Starting a Family ‘Non-Traditionally’ as a Child of Immigrants

When my husband and I were looking into adoption, my dad asked me whether we would be telling our child.  I rolled my eyes and told him that of course we would be doing so!  The adoption class we took… Continue Reading

Celebrities, Infertility and Being Out in the Open

I am, for one incredibly glad that many celebrities (Kim Kardashian, Chrissy Teigen and Sarah Jessica Parker, for example) have come out about their infertility/fertility issues recently.  It allows those of us who are NOT famous to be more comfortable… Continue Reading

Welcoming the Lunar New Year: Some Traditions in Our Household

Happy Lunar New Year!  While most people have large family dinners on New Year’s Eve, my husband and I celebrated with our own tradition of ordering in from a neighbouring Chinese restaurant.  There are a few dishes we ALWAYS get… Continue Reading

Frustrations of Being Child-Free by Circumstance

I’m tired of people telling me that it’s “fine” not to have children and that there are plenty of women who don’t have kids.  Well, many women/couples do not have children because they choose to.  That’s called being child-free by… Continue Reading