I Recorded a Song!!

A few months ago, I was introduced to the Lullaby Project via the University Health Network’s (UHN) Krembil Brain Institute. The purpose of the Lullaby Project’s collaboration with Krembil is to offer mothers living with epilepsy the ability to create… Continue Reading

Social Distancing and Keeping a Routine

Last week, I posted a short video (see below) on my Instagram account (and on What’s the Difference?’s account) about how one should try to be as “normal”/”routine” as they can while they’re stuck at home. It’s been tough –… Continue Reading

Why I Believe in Mirrors at Gyms

Plenty of people in the “body positive” movement are anti-mirror. They feel that it makes others self-conscious of their looks, that they’re too fa t (or two skinny), that their skin just “isn’t right” and so forth. They don’t even… Continue Reading