Season 2, Episode 7: Summer of 2022 Update

Apologies for the late posting. I’ve been spending the last few weeks shopping, getting Jr. Mintz ready for Junior Kindergarten! Can you believe how expensive school uniforms are? Especially when children his age will likely grow out of it in… Continue Reading

Season 2, Episode 4: These Past Two Years and How Things Are Now

Just another update on things today and how we have been dealing with pandemic life. How have YOU been dealing? Do you have any permanent changes in your life? Are you back at the office full time? Working form home?… Continue Reading

19+ Months of Pandemic Life: What I Did

I’m FINALLY posting this! Apologies for the delay….I had some website and email issues last week which lasted several days. It wasn’t completely fixed until the weekend! Maybe I’ll talk about this in a future post. But without further adieu,… Continue Reading

Yes, I Still Write Blog Posts – Basically What I’ve Been Up To…

I know, I know, most of my more recent posts are of episodes of Cynthia Talks Life (DelectablyChic! or Otherwise). But that’s only because I’ve mostly been focusing on that. I DO intend to write posts separate from the show.… Continue Reading

Social Distancing and Keeping a Routine

Last week, I posted a short video (see below) on my Instagram account (and on What’s the Difference?’s account) about how one should try to be as “normal”/”routine” as they can while they’re stuck at home. It’s been tough –… Continue Reading